Are wooden toys betters than plastic? In order to answer this question we would need to define ‘better'. I have to admit to being biased towards wood so I've been pondering why this is the case.
When it comes to your children, nothing's too good for them, although some things are certainly too good to be true. These days, literally well over 99 percent of the toys offered for sale to your children are made of plastic and metal. Natural wood toys are nearly non-existent. That's sad really. They're an important part of our heritage and culture, and chances are they're safer than plastic toys as well.
How many times have we been told that a plastic or painted toy is safe, only to see it recalled or find out it has lead in the paint or plastic body or is unsafe for any number of other reasons? This holds especially true for very small children and babies. These little ones will be putting whatever they play with in their mouths, and plastics, painted toys and metals probably aren't high on the list of things you want in your baby's mouth.
If we are considering the environment and the ultimate destination for many toys (which is landfill) then wood is clearly the better material. If we are thinking about robustness and the resilience of the material to the treatment that toys receive at the hands of their owners then both materials can perform well, depending upon the toy.
Wooden toys on the other hand encourage your kids to use their creativity, when either they make the toys themselves or play with them. Simple activities such as making cookies at their own toy kitchen, or riding a wooden Arabian horse and so on, boost a child's creativity and visualization.
You probably wonder why parents opt to offer their children the common wooden type of toys instead of the cheaper plastic toys commonly produced in China. Many consider that having plastic toys is more practical than wooden toys because of the cost factor. Although plastic toys are cheaper compared to wooden toys, long term consideration proves that the latter is better than the former.
Wooden toys are also more durable than their plastic or metal counterparts. Thus with proper care, it is possible to make these toys last a child's entire childhood and maybe even hand them down to their children.
How are wooden toys invented? Wooden toys are invented because wood is the only easily available materials where one can make toys from with simple tools. Sad to speak, it's hard to find wooden toys in toy stores these days.
Online toy stores offer a wide variety of wooden toys to choose from. And sometimes, it's easier to find what you want because modern toy stores these days mostly sell plastic toys.
Have you ever seen a child in a room full of the latest toys and found the child to be playing with old fashioned children's wooden toys that were a big hit when you were young? What is it about this sight that is so comforting? Is it because the child's wooden toy makes us feel nostalgic or is there something else at play here? In our world of plastic throw-away goods it is comforting to see lasting goods lasting. It is especially comforting to see goods which are felt to be worthy enough to be passed on from generation to generation. The latest gadget on the latest toy has not made traditional children's wooden toys any less desirable to children, or even to adults for that matter.
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