
Things To Consider When Looking For The Perfect Yoga Mat

A yoga mat cannot be forgotten when you decide to indulge in some relaxing yoga moves and poses. A mat offers you a comfortable working area and ensures that you do not get injured as you try out different poses.  Remember that yoga is largely about achieving comfort and pure relaxation and a mat ensures your mind does not end up focusing on non-essentials like a hard cold floor as you try to breathe and get a pose right. To get the perfect yoga mat for you, there are some basics that you should put into consideration.

The material

Most yoga mats are made from rubber or PVC because they have a better grip, especially during the Child's Pose or Warrior II. Some moves can make you break some sweat and the material you have selected will determine how functional the mat remains during such moments. Some are coated with polyurethane for unstoppable grip and you can also consider mats that are more natural such as those made from recycled, organic materials or jute because they are comfier especially for less vigorous practice and seated positions.

The size

Yoga mats come in different sizes with most being full body size so you can lie on them comfortably. The size determines ease of use and storage so make sure that you select a mat size that serves your yoga practice needs from all angles. Size together with the mat material will also play a role in the price.

The color

Again, this should be a matter of preference. Some colors and designs can be appealing to some, but not so appealing to others. Select a color and mat design that makes you feel at ease and comfortable enough. How happy you feel with yoga apparels you have will determine your overall experience. Have some fun with colors and designs if you want just to help you get a better experience.

The texture

This is a matter of preference. Whereas there are people who love mats that have some sort of bumpiness and raised patterns, some are more comfortable in smooth easy gliding textures. Important to remember is that you might need to clean or wash mats that come with tactile patterns more often because they hold sweaty, grime and dirt easily in the crevices and grooves. Think about your comfort and care requirements when making a texture selection.

Mat thickness

Some positions really do not need much cushioning but some do and hence the thickness of your mat should matter. For instance, you will need comfortable padding for poses that have your weight shifting to the head crown. You definitely have better balance when you have decent cushioning so be sure to consider the thickness in relation to the kind of yogi you are. If you are a travelling yogi that wants to have those impromptu lunges outdoors or on the beach than a 1/16 inch thick mat is best, but if you are more into inversions that at ¼ inch thick mat should work just fine for you.
Cheap PVC yoga mat 173*61CM

